
رساله الترحيب

مصر النيل ترحب بكم وتتمني قضاء وقت سعيد معنا ويمكنكم التواصل علي هذا الاميل ebage11@gmail.com الْوَصِيَّةُ الثَّامِنَةُ وَالأَرْبَعُونَ « سَيِّدُ الاسْتِغْفَارِ » عَنْ شدَّادِ بنِ أَوْسٍ رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُ ، عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ : « سَيِّدُ الاسْتِغْفَارِ أَنْ يَقُولَ العَبْدُ : اللَّهُمَّ أَنْتَ رَبِي لا إِلهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ ، خَلَقْتَنِي وَأَنَا عَبْدُكَ ، وَأَنَا عَلى عَهْدِكَ وَوَعْدِكَ مَا اسْتَطَعْتُ ، أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَرِ مَا صَنَعْتُ ، أَبْوءُ لَكَ بِنِعْمَتِكَ عَلَيَّ ، وَأَبُوءُ بَذَنْبِي ، فَاغْفِرْ لِي ، فَإِنَّهُ لا يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ » مَنْ قَالَهَا في النَّهَارِ مُوقِنَاً بِهَا فَمَاتَ مِنْ يَومِهِ قَبْلَ أَنْ يُمْسِي فَهُوَ مِنْ أَهْلِ الْجَنَّةِ ، وَمَنْ قَالَهَا مِنَ اللَّيْلِ وَهُوَ مُوقِنٌ بِهَا فَمَاتَ قَبْلَ أَنْ يُصْبِحَ فَهُوَ مِنْ أَهْلِ الْجَنَّةِ » . أخرجه البخاري

التوقيت العالمي

06:35:39 am


صباح الفل و الياسمين

حكمة اليوم هي

من نشأ على شيء شاب عليه

اعلانات مصر النيل

مصر النيل ترحب بكم وتتمني قضاء وقت سعيد معنا ويمكنكم التواصل علي هذا الاميل ebage11@gmail.com

بحث هذه المدونة الإلكترونية

السبت، 31 مارس 2018

[مقال جديد] تحميل كتاب الإتقان

4kotobCom نشر: "- العنوان : الإتقان. - المؤلف : روبرت غرين. - نبذة :  هذا الكتاب يساعدك فى زيادة قدرتك على إقامة تفاعل مؤثر مع أناس آخرين ينحدرون من ثقافة مختلفة، من خلال اكتساب نوع جديد من المرونة فى التعامل مع قضايا الاختلاف والتغيير، نوع جديد من التكيف الثقافى،"

الجمعة، 30 مارس 2018

[مقال جديد] المعجزة والرسول من خلال سورة الفرقان

4kotobCom نشر: "- العنوان : المعجزة والرسول من خلال سورة الفرقان. - المؤلف : مصطفى مسلم. - نبذة :  تعد هذه الدراسة في أحد علوم التفسير المهمة، وهو علم "التفسير الموضوعي" الذي انتهجه الكاتب سبيلًا لنظراته التفسيرية، والتفسير الموضوعي هو نوع من أنواع التفسير التي ته"

الخميس، 29 مارس 2018

[مقال جديد] تحميل كتاب بسط حياتك

4kotobCom نشر: "- العنوان : بسط حياتك. - المؤلف : فرنرتيكى كوستنمخر. - نبذة :  يتناول هذا الكتاب موضوع فن السيطرة علي زمام أمور حياتك، إنه يعلمك اكتساب المقدرة علي الاستفادة من كل الإمكانات والفرص المتاحة أمامك للوصول إلي السعادة والرضا واكتشاف معني حياتك وتحقيقه."

الأربعاء، 28 مارس 2018

[مقال جديد] تربية الأسرة المسلمة في ضوء سورة التحريم

4kotobCom نشر: "- العنوان : تربية الأسرة المسلمة في ضوء سورة التحريم. - المؤلف : مصطفى مسلم. - نبذة :  ذكَر المؤلف في المقدمة الأسبابَ الدافعة لاختيار هذه السورة كنموذج تطبيقي؛ وذلك لشدة اهتمام القرآن الكريم بالأسرة، باعتبارها اللبِنة الأولى في صرْح المجتمع الإسلا"

وظائف خالية

وظائف خالية

Flash Points by David Hagberg

Posted: 27 Mar 2018 10:12 AM PDT

Flash Points by David Hagberg (Kirk McGarvey #22)
English | 2018 | Mystery & Thriller | ePUB, AZW3 | 1.3 MB

The novel begins just after the US presidential election, when a man of Trump’s stripe wins. Determined to push him out of office, members of the president’s staff hire an assassin to set up three terrorist attacks in the US. Meanwhile, a Pentagon general contacts mid-level intelligence operatives in fifteen different countries, concocting a plot in which the president will be faced with supposed attacks along flash points, places where trouble could easily erupt into an all out nuclear war: Pakistan/India; China/Taiwan; North vs South Korea; Russia/Ukraine.

The idea is to overwhelm the new president so that he could not possibly make the right decisions. Dangerous, but the effect would cause the public to demand that Congress impeach him.
In order for their plots to succeed, both groups must first eliminate the one man who could possibly stop them: retired CIA assassin Kirk McGarvey.

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Nightflyers & Other Stories by George R. R. Martin

Posted: 27 Mar 2018 10:12 AM PDT

Nightflyers & Other Stories by George R. R. Martin
English | 2018 | Science Fiction | ePUB, AZW3 | 1.3 MB

From #1 bestselling author of A Game of Thrones: Nightflyers, coming to television on SyFy, is an epic story of space exploration and cosmic horror, plus five George R. R. Martin classic science fiction tales. On a voyage toward the boundaries of the known universe, nine misfit academics seek out first contact with a shadowy alien race. But another enigma is the Nightflyer itself, a cybernetic wonder with an elusive captain no one has ever seen in the flesh. Soon, however, the crew discovers that their greatest mystery – and most dangerous threat – is an unexpected force wielding a thirst for blood and terror….

Also included are five additional classic George R. R. Martin tales of science fiction that explore the breadth of technology and the dark corners of the human mind.

"Long live George Martin….A literary dervish, enthralled by complicated characters and vivid language, and bursting with the wild vision of the very best tale tellers."—The New York Times

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Be a Good Girl by Tess Diamond

Posted: 27 Mar 2018 10:12 AM PDT

Be a Good Girl by Tess Diamond
English | 2018 | Mystery & Thriller | ePUB, MOBI | 3 MB

In Tess Diamond's third romantic thriller, an FBI agent teams up with the one woman who can offer the salvation he needs as they search for a serial killer . . .
As the head of an elite FBI unit, Special Agent Paul Harrison seems to have everything figured out, but beneath the surface, an internal war is raging. When he returns to his rural hometown for the first time in a few years, he's faced with the memories that led to his losing the love of his life.

Fifteen years ago, Abigail Winthrop's best friend, and Paul's girlfriend, was murdered by the infamous serial killer Doctor X. Now an investigative journalist, she's determined to find the truth. But when Abigail discovers evidence that clears Doctor X, she realizes the real killer is still out there and is striking again when local young girls begin disappearing.
Turning to Paul for help, Abigail joins forces with him. As an undeniable attraction develops between them, they must heal deep wounds from their past—and find a relentless psychopath who could extinguish their hopes for a future together.

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Glimpse by Jonathan Maberry

Posted: 27 Mar 2018 10:12 AM PDT

Glimpse by Jonathan Maberry
English | 2018 | Horror & Thriller | ePUB | 2.3 MB

How far would you be willing to go to save those you love?
Rain is a young woman trying to rebuild herself after years of drug addiction and abuse. Ten years ago, at age sixteen, she gave up her baby after the father, her first love, dies in Iraq. Now, three years clean and on the way to a job interview, Rain borrows a pair of reading glasses from an old lady on a Brooklyn train. The lenses are cracked and through the crack she catches a glimpse of a little boy running and screaming. The boy looks so much like Rain's dead lover. Like their son must look now.

Rain realizes that the glasses give her quick glimpses of her lost son, Dylan, who needs her to find him. Dylan is important to our damaged, hopeless world. But he's in terrible trouble because evil creatures – the Shadow People – are trying to corrupt and destroy him. If Dylan dies, then hope dies.
But how does a recovering junkie fight supernatural monsters? And how far will one woman go to save her lost son?

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The Core by Peter V. Brett

Posted: 27 Mar 2018 10:11 AM PDT

The Core by Peter V. Brett (Demon Cycle #5)
English | 2018 | Fantasy | ePUB, AZW3 | 4 MB

For time out of mind, bloodthirsty demons have stalked the night, culling the human race to scattered remnants dependent on half-forgotten magics to protect them. Then two heroes arose—men as close as brothers, yet divided by bitter betrayal. Arlen Bales became known as the Warded Man, tattooed head to toe with powerful magic symbols that enable him to fight demons in hand-to-hand combat—and emerge victorious. Jardir, armed with magically warded weapons, called himself the Deliverer, a figure prophesied to unite humanity and lead them to triumph in Sharak Ka—the final war against demonkind.

But in their efforts to bring the war to the demons, Arlen and Jardir have set something in motion that may prove the end of everything they hold dear—a Swarm. Now the war is at hand and humanity cannot hope to win it unless Arlen and Jardir, with the help of Arlen's wife, Renna, can bend a captured demon prince to their will and force the devious creature to lead them to the Core, where the Mother of Demons breeds an inexhaustible army.
Trusting their closest confidantes, Leesha, Inevera, Ragen and Elissa, to rally the fractious people of the Free Cities and lead them against the Swarm, Arlen, Renna, and Jardir set out on a desperate quest into the darkest depths of evil—from which none of them expects to return alive.

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The Dead House by Billy O’Callaghan

Posted: 26 Mar 2018 10:05 PM PDT

The Dead House by Billy O’Callaghan
English | 2018 | Mystery & Horror | ePUB | 331 KB

Sometimes the past endures—and sometimes it never lets go.
This best-selling debut by an award-winning writer is both an eerie contemporary ghost story and a dread-inducing psychological thriller. Maggie is a successful young artist who has had bad luck with men. Her last put her in the hospital and, after she's healed physically, left her needing to get out of London to heal mentally and find a place of quiet that will restore her creative spirit. On the rugged west coast of Ireland, perched on a wild cliff side, she spies the shell of a cottage that dates back to Great Famine and decides to buy it. When work on the house is done, she invites her dealer to come for the weekend to celebrate along with a couple of women friends, one of whom will become his wife. On the boozy last night, the other friend pulls out an Ouija board. What sinister thing they summon, once invited, will never go.

Ireland is a country haunted by its past. In Billy O’Callaghan’s hands, its terrible beauty becomes a force of inescapable horror that reaches far back in time, before the Famine, before Christianity, to a pagan place where nature and superstition are bound in an endless knot.

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Pounding Earth by Erin Bedford,‎ J.A. Cipriano

Posted: 26 Mar 2018 10:04 PM PDT

Pounding Earth by Erin Bedford,‎ J.A. Cipriano
English | 2018 | Fantasy | ePUB | 249 KB

The Stunning Conclusion to the hit series
Maya and her three sexy mates thought they were safe in the North as they prepared to take back the Eastern dragon kingdom, but they were wrong.

As Maya’s pregnancy brings new surprises and powers, treachery leads to one of her three beloved men being taken from her. And to add to the brewing chaos, an army of the West appears on her doorstep, led by none other than her sister.
It’s up to Maya to master her new powers, save her lost mate, and rally the dragons of Waesigar to defeat the Lady of the East and bring peace back to the land. All to secure her happily ever after.

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Sherlock Holmes: The Red Tower by Mark A. Latham

Posted: 26 Mar 2018 10:03 PM PDT

Sherlock Holmes: The Red Tower by Mark A. Latham
English | 2018 | Mystery & Thriller | ePUB | 2 MB

Dr Watson has been invited to Crain Manor, where his old friend James Crain is to hold a spiritualist gathering. During a séance a ghostly figure is seen, supposedly the spirit of Sybille, the first Lady Crain, who murdered her husband in the tower room, and whose appearance is said to be a sign of disaster.

In an attempt to debunk the seance, James's sister Esther declares that she will sleep in the tower room – but at midnight there is a bloodcurdling scream and Esther is found dead, a look of horror on her face, and the room locked from the inside.
Watson sends for Sherlock Holmes to investigate the tragic death. But it will be anything but straightforward, as there are those who do not want him to succeed…

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Sanctuary by Ryk Brown

Posted: 26 Mar 2018 10:02 PM PDT

Sanctuary by Ryk Brown
English | 2018 | Science Fiction | ePUB | 430 KB

A family nearly destroyed… A loved one in need of help… A fleet in need of a home port… An Alliance struggling to be reborn…

Captain Scott has lost his entire family, save his sister, who needs better medical care than the Aurora can provide.
Nathan, his friends, and the crew of the Seiiki must leave the Karuzari fleet to fend for themselves, while they try to find a way to save Miri.

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The People’s House by David Pepper

Posted: 26 Mar 2018 10:01 PM PDT

The People’s House by David Pepper
English | 2018 | Mystery & Thriller | ePUB | 1.3 MB

It doesn’t take long to discover why the Wall Street Journal crowned “The People’s House” the “sleeper for political thriller of the year,” or why a former Governor said she almost missed her connecting flight because she couldn’t put it down.
Political reporter Jack Sharpe is logging time at the tail end of a disappointing career — jaded about politics and stung by personal hard knocks. But after an odd election result in the Ohio Congressional district he covers, Sharpe stumbles across voting irregularities that spur him to dig deeper. The story takes him far beyond his corner of Ohio as he discovers an international plot one that strikes at the heart of American democracy. His reporting leads to a showdown with a philandering Congressman and Presidential contender, and an eccentric but deadly Russian mogul. In order to save himself and the country, Sharpe must rekindle his old fire to navigate a treacherous journey through danger, betrayal, and atonement.
And yes, it was all written before eerily similar events occurred in the 2016 election.

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الثلاثاء، 27 مارس 2018

[مقال جديد] تحميل كتاب تنمية القدرة على التكيف الثقافي

4kotobCom نشر: "- العنوان : تنمية القدرة على التكيف الثقافي. - المؤلف : جنيفر ديل و دون برنس. - نبذة :  هذا الكتاب يساعدك فى زيادة قدرتك على إقامة تفاعل مؤثر مع أناس آخرين ينحدرون من ثقافة مختلفة، من خلال اكتساب نوع جديد من المرونة فى التعامل مع قضايا الاختلاف وال"

وظائف خالية

وظائف خالية

Hangman by Daniel Cole

Posted: 26 Mar 2018 09:05 AM PDT

Hangman by Daniel Cole (Detective William Fawkes #2)
English | 2018 | Thriller & Crime | ePUB, MOBI | 2 MB

How do you catch a killer who’s already dead?’
Eighteen months have passed, but the scars the Ragdoll murders left behind remain.
DCI Emily Baxter is summoned to a meeting with US Special Agents Elliot Curtis of the FBI and Damien Rouche of the CIA. There, she is presented with photographs of the latest copycat murder: a body contorted into a familiar pose, strung up impossibly on the other side of the world, the word BAIT carved deep into its chest.
As the media pressure intensifies, Baxter is ordered to assist with the investigation and attend the scene of another murder to discover the same word scrawled across the victim, carved across the corpse of the killer – PUPPET.
As the murders continue to grow in both spectacle and depravity on both sides of the Atlantic, the team helplessly play catch up. Their only hope: to work out who the ‘BAIT’ is intended for, how the ‘PUPPETS’ are chosen but, most importantly of all, who is holding the strings.

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Kris Longknife’s Successor by Mike Shepherd

Posted: 26 Mar 2018 09:04 AM PDT

Kris Longknife’s Successor by Mike Shepherd (Kris Longknife #16.5)
English | 2018 | Science Fiction | ePUB, MOBI | 1 MB

This is the third book with Grand Admiral Sandy Santiago serving as Kris Longknife’s Relief, then Replacement, and now Successor on Alwa. She has all the challenges a gal could ask for. Granny Rita is on the rampage, and the cats have gone on strike. Leaving the Colonials to deal with Granny Rita, Sandy heads off to work with the cats, only to discover she is not the only one who has a bone to pick with them – alien monsters have a vendetta as well! Sandy has to work to find a way of peace among the Alwans, feisty cats, and a new alien race.

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Fearless by Jessie Keane

Posted: 26 Mar 2018 09:03 AM PDT

Fearless by Jessie Keane
English | 2018 | Mystery & Thriller | ePUB | 2.2 MB

Play dirty, play to win.
Josh Flynn is the king of the bare-knuckle gypsy fighters. His reputation is un-blemished; his fist a deadly weapon.
Claire Milo has always loved Josh, they were destined to be together from the day they met. Two gypsy lovers with their whole lives ahead of them. If only Josh would find a different way of earning a living instead of knocking the living daylights out of another man in the boxing ring. One day, she knew something really bad was going to happen. She could feel it . . .
Shauna Everett always wanted what she couldn't have, and nobody, especially Claire Milo was going to stand in her way. She's had her eye on Josh Flynn for years and she knew just how to get him. If it meant playing dirty, then so be it. What had she got to lose?
In a world ruled by violence, crime and backstreet brawls, only one woman will win in Jessie Keane's Fearless, but how low is she prepared to go to achieve that goal?

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The Folded Land by Tim Lebbon

Posted: 26 Mar 2018 09:02 AM PDT

The Folded Land by Tim Lebbon (Relics #2)
English | 2018 | Fantasy | ePUB, MOBI | 3 MB

In the dark underbelly of our world, there's a black market in arcane things—living and dead. Angela Gough has been pulled into this world, making her a criminal on the run.
In London she encountered the Kin—satyrs and centaurs, Nephilim and wraiths, they are hunted and slaughtered for their body parts. Fleeing back to the United States, Angela discovers that the Kin are everywhere, and they are tired of being prey.
When her niece Sammi is struck by lightning, she is drawn toward the mysterious Folded Land, and its powerful and deadly ruler. Helped by her lover Vince, caught in the midst of a Kin uprising, Angela must locate Sammi before the girl is lost forever.

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While You Sleep by Stephanie Merritt

Posted: 26 Mar 2018 09:01 AM PDT

While You Sleep by Stephanie Merritt
English | 2018 | Mystery & Thriller | ePUB, MOBI | 2.3 MB

A pacy, chilling psychological thriller, set to reinvent the genre.
It begins, they say, with a woman screaming…
On a remote Scottish island, the McBride house stands guard over its secrets. A century ago, a young widow and her son died mysteriously there; just last year a local boy, visiting for a dare, disappeared without a trace.

For Zoe Adams, newly arrived from America, the house offers a refuge from her failing marriage. But her peaceful retreat is disrupted by strange and disturbing events: night-time intrusions; unknown voices; a constant sense of being watched.
The locals want her to believe that these incidents are echoes of the McBrides’ dark past. Zoe is convinced the danger is closer at hand, and all-too-real – but can she uncover the truth before she is silenced?

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The Fear by C.L. Taylor

Posted: 25 Mar 2018 10:06 PM PDT

The Fear by C.L. Taylor
English | 2018 | Mystery & Thriller | ePUB | 1.7 MB

‘Claustrophobic and compelling’ KARIN SLAUGHTER ‘A rollercoaster with multiple twists’ DAILY MAIL ‘A million dollar new story from a million selling author.’ SARAH PINBOROUGH
Sometimes your first love won’t let you go… When Lou Wandsworth ran away to France with her teacher Mike Hughes, she thought he was the love of her life. But Mike wasn’t what he seemed and he left her life in pieces. Now 32, Lou discovers that he is involved with teenager Chloe Meadows. Determined to make sure history doesn’t repeat itself, she returns home to confront him for the damage he’s caused. But Mike is a predator of the worst kind, and as Lou tries to bring him to justice, it’s clear that she could once again become his prey… The million copy Sunday Times bestseller returns with a gripping psychological thriller that will have you on the edge of your seat. Praise for The Fear: ‘A skewering portrait of obsessive love and psychological manipulation, this book gets under the skin from the outset and won’t let you go until you’ve gasped at THAT ending.
—This is Taylor’s best book yet.’CJ Cooke (author of I Know My Name) ‘Wow! Such a fast-paced, gripping, tense thriller. My heart was in my mouth at the end. Her best yet!’Claire Douglas (author of Local Girl Missing)

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Red by Pauline Creeden

Posted: 25 Mar 2018 10:05 PM PDT

Red by Pauline Creeden
English | 2018 | Fantasy | ePUB | 300 KB

Red Ryder has been going to Wonderland Guardian Academy since middle school, but she still doesn’t belong. At 16 years old, she doesn’t have any magical talents to speak of, and the rest of her peers know it. She may as well be a typical, mundane human, and the witch sisters make her school life miserable. How is she supposed to help humanity as a guardian when she may as well be one of them?
But Red is a wolf tracker. Though she doesn’t come into her powers until the death of the current wolf tracker in her family, her grandmother. Her blood carries the wolfsbane gene, the only thing that helps humans build a resistance to the Lycan virus. Her family has been donating blood for ages in the hopes of keeping the virus at bay.
When her grandmother becomes too sick to do her job, the werewolf community wonders why their judge has gone on hiatus. And one pack alpha decides it’s time to get rid of the line of wolf trackers once and for all.

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Black Violet by Alex Hyland

Posted: 25 Mar 2018 10:04 PM PDT

Black Violet by Alex Hyland
English | 2018 | Mystery & Thriller | ePUB | 912 KB

On the surface, Michael Violet is a legitimate San Francisco car dealer. But appearances can be deceiving. In reality, he's a talented pickpocket lifting the keys to the city's most luxurious cars. He's kept his criminal life secret from his journalist brother, Jon, who's made a career out of exposing corruption. But when Jon is killed, Michael uses his talents to track down his brother's killer. Driven by guilt and revenge, Michael finds himself being forced into the role of the hero, whether he likes it or not. But turning from thief to hero isn't going to be as easy as he'd hoped…

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Knives of Darkness by David V. Stewart

Posted: 25 Mar 2018 10:03 PM PDT

Knives of Darkness by David V. Stewart
English | 2018 | Fantasy | ePUB | 552 KB

Michael Harthino, warrior prince of Artalland, finds himself stripped of power and disgraced after risking everything to save his men in battle. Reeling from his loss and with the unwelcome aid of Sharona, an enigmatic mage who was also stripped of her military commission, Michael begins to discover the threads of betrayal in his father’s inner circle and sets about to cut them.
But Michael is a soldier, not a politician, and the machinations of his brother Johan and the alluring Mage-Queen Alanrae, of rival kingdom Ferralla, may prove to be far deadlier than a battle…

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The Secrets We Keep by Shirley Patton

Posted: 25 Mar 2018 10:02 PM PDT

The Secrets We Keep by Shirley Patton
English | 2018 | Mystery & Thriller | ePUB | 500 KB

For readers of Judy Nunn’s Spirits of the Ghan… When a newcomer blows into the mining town of Kalgoorlie she unwittingly uncovers a web of lies and a heartbreaking tie with her tumultuous past in this compelling family saga where the personal and political collide. A mother’s secret, a father’s betrayal, a town on the edge…When social worker Aimee arrives in the mining town of Kalgoorlie, she is ready for a fresh start. Her colleagues Lori and Paddy seem friendly, and she is also drawn to one of her cases: the Steele family, whose future looks particularly bleak. But Aimee has a dark secret and as the past reaches out towards her once more, she realises that somehow her secret is connected to this unfamiliar but harshly beautiful town and its inhabitants. As she strengthens her ties with the local community – especially with the vibrant Lori, stoical Kerry and wise Agnes – she finds herself questioning earlier decisions. Can Aimee reveal her secret, even if it is not hers alone to share? A compelling novel of the transcendental love of children and the truth’s unwillingness to stay hidden.

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Murder in March by Camilla Chafer

Posted: 25 Mar 2018 10:01 PM PDT

Murder in March by Camilla Chafer (Calendar Mysteries #3)
English | 2018 | Cozy Mystery | ePUB | 355 KB

Welcome to Calendar where life is sweet, but death is murder.
Ava March has a big secret. The ultra-reclusive author behind the sensational Miranda Marchmont romantic novels has decided she doesn't want to write anymore bodice rippers, not when she could be writing daring thrillers instead.

When Ava's loudmouth agent, Esther Drummond, comes to town, she is bound and determined to persuade her star author to write a few more glamorous novels rather than the books Ava prefers to write. Naturally, Ava knows she must refuse. The only problem that arises is when Ava's eyes land on Esther's hotshot publisher, Mark Boudreaux, whom she brought along as backup. He's exactly like the kind of hero Ava wishes she could meet in real life. Just as Ava plucks up the courage to turn Esther down, she discovers her agent's dead body. To make matters even worse, Esther has been killed in exactly the same way that Ava described in her rejected manuscript.
With Ava as the prime suspect with an apparent motive for murder, and cherry-picked manuscript pages appearing around town, Ava's quiet, former existence is at risk of being ripped away. There's only one thing this wannabe thriller writer can do: Ava must channel her inner action heroine and solve the murder before her life becomes no more than a terrifying footnote.

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